Design Management

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Design Management is an approach that allows Design to be implemented at the heart of business strategy. This is a question of posture and corporate culture. This training is oriented towards a dynamic of openness and innovation serving the creation of value and the performance of the company.

Training aims

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Manager with an interpersonal communication model (DISC) allowing you to interact effectively with all your contacts.
  • Discover Design thinking and its possible fields of application in business, particularly when it is positioned at a strategic level.
  • Acquire a proactive posture to demonstrate the value dynamics generated by Design Management

Formatrice : Christina Cardoso

+ info :

Continuing Education
Released on: Alumni à Nantes, IAE alumni, Bruxelles alumni, ALUMNI PRODUCT & TRANSPORTATION DESIGN, Food Design Alumni, Care design lab - Etudiants + Alumnis

L'école de design Nantes Atlantique

61, Boulevard de la Prairie au Duc 44200 NANTES

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