Our school offers several forms of collaboration, new methodologies and new tools for your structure, whether public or private, to enable you to innovate and transform your organization.

Design as a lever for innovation - Explore new areas of innovation through prospective design

-> The prospective study  : develop in-depth concepts that serve a vision, explore the field of possibilities in terms of design-led innovation, discover the design approach so you can incorporate it into your projects.

-> The creative workshop : develop a dynamic of collective and creative intelligence with your teams, discover and use Design Thinking tools

-> The creative print : develop visions in the form of concepts, benefit from anticipation and prospective scenarios to represent possible futures, benefit from illustrations to support a transition or transformation process.

Incorporate innovation through design research

-> The business support role :  L’École de design Nantes Atlantique relies on its 5 Design Labs (Media Design Lab, Food Design Lab, Digital Design Lab, Care Design Lab, City Design Lab) and its experts in order to support companies, local authorities or associations in implementing a design approach.

Design Labs can mobilize a group of experts in the implementation of concepts and solutions envisaged for your organization. The assessment mission can be combined with an educational project.

-> The research contract :  Would you like to be accompanied in a design-led research process?

Our 5 Design Labs explore themes related to contemporary social, technological and economic changes. They all run action research programs.

Theme: defined by its strategic interest for the company:

Funding: possible defiscalisation by tax ruling (Crédit Impôt Recherche - CIR)

Duration: 1-3 years

Confidentiality, communication and intellectual property: to be defined with the partners

-> The Research Chair : The partnership chair allows you to explore research topics of general interest, the results and findings of which will be publicly disseminated. Your organization can join forces with other sponsors to explore a research problem in partnership with one or more Design Labs.

Funding: 60% tax exemption through an endowment fund

Duration: 3 years

Intellectual property: members of the chair

Communication of results: publication of results through conferences, articles in journals, digital distribution, etc.

Develop your teams' design skills

L'École de design Nantes Atlantique helps you develop an agile and creative corporate culture. Our continuing education modules encourage creativity and provide tools to better understand the user experience.

Facilitation of creativity workshops, creation of mobile interfaces with prototyping tools, introduction to circular design, graphic facilitation, innovation of use...

Discover all our short training modules (from 1 to 5 days) and our Design Thinking certification course (13.5 days - eligible for the CPF, the French individual training fund). All our Design Thinking training courses are led by professional designers or experts. These courses can be tailored to your needs, in-house or inter-company.

Recruit your future designer collaborators

Are you looking to recruit an intern, an apprentice or a design graduate to incorporate design skills into your teams? The We Design community platform puts you in touch with students and graduates of L'École de design Nantes Atlantique.

As a company, you will have access to a recruiter space where you can post your offers and consult the CV library of students and alumni.

Want to take advantage of our support?