Conference "Furniture: What are the key levers for eco-design?"
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While the demand for eco-designed furniture is exploding among prescribers and while the Climate and Resilience law will impose environmental labeling on professionals in the sector by 2025: How to place eco-design in its priorities, whatever its level of maturity?
During this round table, l'école de design Nantes Atlantique will give the microphone to three speakers:
- Grégoire Gérard - Co-founder d'Eco Impact - Furniture Impact Expert. He will share the key action levers to reduce the impact of products
- Franck Grossel – Former student of l'école de design Nantes Atlantique and co-founder of Instead, manufacturer of furniture made from brewery spent grain.
- Morgan Guyader – Former student of l'école de design Nantes Atlantique and co-founder of Malakio, a young Breton company specializing in sustainable design and the recovery of mollusc shells
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Alumni à Nantes, Designers Entrepreneurs, Communauté du Design Numérique, IAE alumni, Arts et Métiers ParisTech Angers - ENSAM - doubles diplômes, Studio Europe, Bruxelles alumni, PRODUCT & TRANSPORTA...